We began the day by defining inclusion and what it means in the context of our care homes. The official definition reads as ‘The action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure. With Inclusion being an integral petal on the Kitwood flower, we once again referred to his theories surrounding inclusion and how he links its importance to Dementia.

Our Inclusion Course
Evolve’s Care Academy invited team members back into the training room to experience the third course of their 2022 build back better programme, #EvolveBBB.
The first #EvolveBBB course in March, Culture, lifted spirits with a cathartic day of healing from the trauma that Covid inflicted and refocused a united cultural vision for our homes. The second course in April, Identity, showed us how a family member’s care journey is paved by their past, and that it is only when we learn their life story that we can know how to form a meaningful attachment that meets their emotional needs.
With this still fresh in our minds, June brought us Inclusion. A course focused on eliminating isolation, Inclusion explores how we can come together to create welcoming and loving spaces where anyone stepping into one is nurtured into a sense of belonging.